Similar to that of classical novae or a supernova, recurrent novae are defined as systems portraying more than one nova outburst, typically weaker (though thounsands of times stronger than traditional CMEs) than traditional nova events (1,2). Since the start of this millenia, there have been countless instances of observed recurrent novae within our observable celestial backyard. To grasp a better understanding of this phenomena, it is canny to first discussion the occurence of classical novae first.
Classican Novae (CNs)
Classical nova (CN) eruptions occur due to a thermonuclear runaway being triggered by the build-up of accreted matter. This build-up of material is generally hydrogen-rich in nature which, over time, is compressed towards the surface of the effected star (in the case of classical novae, white dwarfs) by the star's own gravity. As the material becomes electron degenerate, this keeps the material itself from expanding. Thus, the pressure builds up until a point of failure which results in the novae explosion (3).
The immense energy and luminosity excreted from a novae eruption allow the observation of such phenomena beyond Earth's typical visible scope. As technology has advanced substantially over the past two decades, the data being recorded from novae occurences is immensely improved. This has allowed for the observation and discovery of rapid recurrent novae (RRNe) (1).
How RRNe Can Occur Without a Binary System
While CNs are thought to be that of binary systems (i.e for novae explosions, accreted material from nearby star formation creates the build up of material around the white dwarf, leading to corresponding novae), studies of deep space materials and the well-observed diffusion of light from large sheets of 'dust' within space has allowed a more in-depth inquiry into how RRNe could be possible. Interstellar dust sheets have been observed through modern instruments detected the diffusion of light and other methods (4)

In addition to these dust sheets, naturally over time stars will encounter a plethora of different asteriods, debris, dust, particles, and othe materials. Once a sufficient amount of this debris has been built up around the star, it results in a micronova or recurrent novae (1,2).
Documentation of RRNE
Recurrent novae are now quite well documented as technology has drastically improved humanity's ability to acquire data from deep space and interpret said data with reliable, consistent precision. Researchers have been able to observe and document reoccuring micronova events from a numerous amount of different stars.

As seen in the chart above, some of these stars, like that of RS Ophiuchi and V745 Scorpii, have erupted quite a few times (4). Additionally, based on the observed patterns of cyclical eruptions coming from these observed stars, scientists can now predict when the next eruptions should be expected.
It should also be noted that the current list of stars known to have recurrrent novae is by no means a complete list - and this sentiment is shared within the scientific community contributing to these studies. The reason for this sentiment is quite simple. In the decades prior to the extreme advancement in technological capabilities, there may have been hundreds of missed eruptions in stars right in the Earth's celestial backyard. Missing some eruptions could mean having to wait hundreds of generations for a chance to witness them again as the cycle of such events can span large time scales.
Relation of Recurrent Novae to the Sun
With the discovery of recurrent novae, the original premise of the only type of nova eruption to exist being a supernova eruption is now debunked. The question now moves to whether this phenomena applies to the Sun. The evidence overwhelmingly suggests the answer to that question is a resounding yes.
The relationship between solar forcing and electromagnetism is a strong starting point. For the context of this article, the most important thing to note on the subject is that due to the relationship between electromagnetic fields of the Earth and the Sun, there resides a medium in which ionization can occur within pressures of solar forcing pushing onto the upper heliosphere & magnetosphere creating immediate, observable heat (6,7).
With an event such as a coronal mass ejection (CNE) this exact premise is extraordinarly scaled in impact. Energy from such an event penetrates the mantle and inner parts of the Earth. Now, with the discovery of micronova eruptions (magnitudes higher in intensity), one can denote an absolutey immense stress on the biosphere and crust of the planet.
An event such as a micronova would have devastating impacts on the surface of nearby celestial objects in the form of glazing, peppering of materials, and other factors. This is precisely what has been discovered both on Earth and the Moon.
The evidence left over from a micronova eruption would infact mirror that of a celestial object impact. This is precisely what we find during the Younger Dryas period, a period of immense climate change that ocurred in approximately 9600 BC (12,000 years ago) (8,9,10). During that period, there was a major extinction of megafauna, major changes to the biosphere (including immense, immediate temperature changes and massive sea level rise), and evidence of a bombardment of radioactive materials similar to that of a comet impact (8,9).
Through this inquiry, the pieces are beginning to paint a bigger picture. The evidence brought back from the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission also helps to establish this case even further. During this mission, the crew found substantial evidence for that of a massive solar outburst in the from of a micronova eruption (5). The Moon itself shows large areas of glazing (visible in the photographs above) and is covered in evidence that suggests major radiation fallout which would only be found in that of a solar outburst (5).

During this mission, the crew found substantial evidence for that of a massive solar outburst in the from of a micronova eruption (5). The Moon itself shows large areas of glazing (visible in the photographs above) and is covered in evidence that suggests major radiation fallout which would only be found in that of a solar outburst (5).
This is just scratching the surface of avaiable evidence of a previous massive solar outburst ocurring from the sun. As evidence does existence supporting that of a super massive electromagnetic event ocurring during the Younger Dryas period, the next step is to demonstrate the cyclical nature of such events.
There are, in total, six distinct, highly recognized geomagnetic excursions that have occurred over the last 72,000 years. These are Gothenburg (Younger Dryas), Lake Mungo, Mono Lake, Laschamp, Vostok, and Toba.

A geomagnetic excursion is an event is like a geomagnetic reversal that corresponds with massive, rapid deviations in the Earth's magnetic field (12). Observable in such an event would be an accelerating weakening of the Earth's magnetic shielding corresponding with a rapid movement of the north and south magnetic poles. Such a process is now being suggested to be triggered by that of a major solar outburst as evidence suggests happened during the Younger Dryas (8,9,13,14).
With known effects on Earth's climate, the evidence left by previous magnetic excursions as recent as 9600 BC, and the substantial amount of data proving the existence of recurrent novae, there is substantial evidence to suggest that the sun also follow this cyclical process -ocurring every 12,000 years.
Evidence of a Coming Event
Observations that one would expect to find prior to such an event taking place has been colleted for decades now. First, Earth's magnetic field has been weakening since as early as 1600 (15). Additionally, this weakening has not been slowing down - it has actually been accelerating. The rate of weakening is now 5% per decade or higher (16,17). To go along with this observed data, the poles themselves have been accelerating in their movement towards one another (18,20).

This well documented movement of the poles, combined with the accelerating weakening of Earth's magnetic field suggests that the planet is in store for another magnetic excursion (21). In the above photographs, the north pole is shown on the top left and the south pole is shown on the top right. Below those is a map that shows the expected trajectory of the poles following their torus projections.
Taking into account that there is undoubted evidence of magnetic excursions occuring every 12,000 years, the discovery of recurrent novae, and the substantial amount of evidence showcasing that of a massive solar outburst in our solar system, one can derive the conclusion that the sun also has recurrent nova eruptions.
Not only does the evidence suggest that have happened previously, the evidence available suggests that one may be ready to occur in the very near future. The onset of global climate change, the rapid movement of the magnetic poles towards one another, and the observed acceleration in the weakening of Earth's magnetic field may suggest that another micronova event could be on the horizon in the very near future.
Article Citation: Lorance, Z. (2021). The Observable Phenomena of Recurrent Novae and How Our Sun has a Dark Secret. Future Humanity Library. September 10, 2021.